XF Mini
The XF Mini is the first affordable, tangential flow lab size filter. Unlike traditional pad filters or “dead end” filtration it can operate at much higher pressures and with a wider range of membranes. Commonly referred to as “crossflow” the process utilizes the velocity of a liquid traveling across a membrane surface to reduce the rate of fouling. A small portion of the liquid travels through the membrane while the majority of the liquid along with the solids keeps moving. It can be either a batch or continuous process.
The XF Mini can be loaded with several different Microfiltration (MF) membranes (see below) to achieve different levels of clarification and stability. Because the XF Mini can operate up to 150 psi it can also be loaded with many different Ultrafiltration membranes (see below). They can be used for selective ingredient removal or concentration, depending on which side of the product you are after. Utilizing spiral wound construction each XF Mini membrane has an impressive 3.6 square feet (.334 square meters) of surface area. They can be also be regenerated through proper cleaning for a long and useful life.
As with any type of filtration, temperature greatly affects the process. For this we offer a basic heat exchanger option. It can be used alone or with additional heat exchangers depending on the heat transfer requirements. Cooling is most commonly needed for Ultrafiltration but not as much for Microfiltration. A discount is available when the heat exchanger is purchased with the complete package. It can also be purchased separately at any time.
We presently offer numerous membrane cutoffs to suit your desired concentration, clarification, and separation needs. By simply disconnecting a couple of fittings you can interchange membranes in a matter of minutes and reuse them over and over again.1The sizes we currently offer are listed below.
With its ease of use it is no wonder more labs are choosing the XF Mini. Custom systems are also available for tubular, ceramic, and sintered stainless modules. For those interested in tighter separation and higher pressure check out the RO Mini.
MF (Microfiltration) Nominally rated in microns | |
Pore Size (um) | Material |
0.08 | PVDF |
0.1 | PVDF |
0.2 | PVDF |
PVDF polyvinylidene fluoride PES polyethersulfone PS polysulfone PAN polyacrylonitrile |
1Membrane life is determined by the effectiveness in cleaning along with proper care during operation. |
2Not approved for food contact applications |